Friday, May 28, 2010

Food Donation to Humble Hearts

My sincere apologies for delaying this update. Most of you made my birthday quite a memorable day by honoring my food request for an orphanage that was so in need. Beatrice the director of Humble Hearts sent her sincere gratitude to all of you for feeding the children for over a month to come!!! I on the other hand am forever indebted to you my friends for always being there whenever I have sought your help! From the depth of my heart I sincerely Thank You and God bless you and give you more even as you continue adding a smile to different children across this nation!! Love Lorraine.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Wow, Friends and Family we did it!!!! We were able to gift 860 children this past Christmas(2009) across Kenya! None of this would have been possible without your love, support and above all, the trust you bestowed on me to pull this off! I am eternally grateful as this was such a humbling experience that you allowed me to knock on your doors as many times as I did for help and you were always there for me! Now granted it was the most exhausting but most rewarding experience of my life and for those that took part on this whole journey can bare witness to this! We visited a total of 11 orphanages and in all of these homes we were touched, moved and so inspired by the courage and the strength in these children. What was also amazing was the depth and reactions of each home we visited! For example the kids in Kibera and the Machaka slums most of them had never seen a binoculars or even a coloring book! I remember being so excited about spider man and this boy in Machaka (in Meru) had no idea who that was or why I was so excited about a coloring book with spider man on it! Ooooh let me tell you this moved me deeply as to how many things we take for granted! What was also very evident for me was that we do has a huge impact on these children's lives contrary to what many people think. This is beyond just giving a christmas gift for these children. You know one of the directors of the homeswe visited said to me, "Lorraine, we each have our own calling. For some of us is to be able to give food, shelter and help educate these children the best we know how. But for you and Xmas Torch is to remind these children that are loved and giving them gifts during christmas which is what all other 'normal' children get during this season is validating them! We as an orphanage have bigger issues and therefore gifts are the last things on our agendas. So we thank you." Listen this just affirmed that what we do has value and therefore will keep doing it again and again. Therefore 2010 is here and we look to you for support again! Thank You from the depth of my heart! All the children asked me to pass their sincere Asante (thank you) to all my friends and people that helped buy them gifts!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

11th Orphanage visit

Thank You again friends! What a great and successful Xmas Torch 09!!!! Really proud and so humbled by your love and support, Yes we did!!! 11 orphages in total and 860 children recieved christmas gifts thanks to you all that supported us!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Click here to view this video

We knew Kibera was on our list, but we had no idea we would be attending to kids in the HEART of Kibera.

The poverty is plain to see. It is overwhelming.

Our gifts did not fill their stomachs, or cover their feet or backs. But, the dolls and toy cars will remind them to just be kids! Their coloring books or puzzels will tug on their imaginations, hopefully allowing them to dream. The older kids get their much needed math sets. The older girls are spoilt with much needed girlie-diaries to jot down their thoughts.

Xmas Torch hopefully sparked a smile today!

Thank you for being a part of the journey.