Monday, September 14, 2009

First Day of the Mission Week!!

Friday 11th September we were on a mission to purchase 60 bags and guess what because you are people of your words we managed to contibute enough to buy 101 bags!!!!!!!Thanks to the following great friends of Xmas Torch:James Komu, John Muriuki, Neddy Karwitha, Joseph Mwenda and Joe Kirigia!!This week we are on a mission to purchase 400 bags! so far I have donations from Soren in Oman - 50 OMR, Kim-50 OMR, Shirley Jackson-10 OMR. With the current exchange rate that puts us at 22,000 ksh. This means we have as of today Monday so far 88 bags!!!! Well done my dearest friends well done!!!


joyunspeakable2011 said...

I like this spirit. Am glad to be involved. This is wonderful stuff

Lorraine Kirigia, Founder of Xmas Torch said...

Thank You Joyunspeakable!

Moses Manta said...

Hi Lorraine, i must say that i am proud of you for this noble move and gesture, i'll be proud to be associated to this worthy cause and assist in any way that i can.

Moses Manta said...

I will start spreading the word, keep me posted as to developements.

Lorraine Kirigia, Founder of Xmas Torch said...

Manta, we are glad you love our work and please welcome aboard. Let us know how you can help and if you can join this year? We have the dates set to visit the different homes! Thank You again.